Scanmarker Air With Text Recognition Technology

Scanmarker Air With Text Recognition Technology

Source: Scanmarker

The Scanmarker Air uses patented technology to wirelessly scan text.

It can connect via Bluetooth and send text to your device.

Scanmarker Air With Text Recognition Technology
Source: Scanmarker

The Scanmarker Air works with both Apple and Android devices.

It also works with Windows and Mac operating systems.

Scanmarker Air With Text Recognition Technology
Source: Scanmarker

This is a great tool for students, teachers, researchers or anyone else.

The Scanmarker Air is portable so you instantly take notes no matter where you are.

You can use it to scan text that you want to send to your device.

The Scanmarker Air can also read text aloud to you as you scan.

It is also able to translate over 40 different languages.

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