Great Decorating Guide

Great Decorating Guide

Great Decorating Guide

Usually, when you begin thinking about how to decorate or re-decorate your home you come up with unique ideas that you want to use. This decorating guide is about decorating on a budget so it is a great guide to follow if you want to incorporate your ideas without spending a fortune.

Amazing Style

The one element that will bring your decor to life is your personal style. Your own unique creativity and flair can turn any room into a masterpiece that you will love.

Spend Smart, Live Rich

Surround yourself with a luxurious atmosphere on any budget. This guide was created by the editors of Budget Living Magazine, there are a lot of tips in here that will help you get the job done to a level beyond your expectations. Great Decorating Guide

Source: Editors of Budget Living/Amazon

What is in the Book?

  • 500 amazing ideas from the editors of Budget Living Magazine.
  • How to transform a home into a haven.
  • How to use color to energize and unify your home.
  • Where to find distinctive pieces that bring panache to any room.
  • What you can do yourself and when to defer to the experts.
  • How planning ahead and thinking creatively can save you thousands of dollars.
  • Why sometimes the smartest thing you can do is splurge on something you really love.

Sound good? Of course, this is a guide to help you when you are decorating on a budget so the book is inexpensive as well, less than you probably paid for your last cup of coffee.

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