How To Wake Up Feeling Fantastic

How To Wake Up Feeling Fantastic

Have you ever had one of those days when you just wake up feeling terrible? And yet on other days, you seem to just bounce out of bed ready to go. It's especially annoying to wake up feeling awful when you know you have a busy day ahead of you. Here are some great tips to help you how to wake up feeling fantastic every day. The world really is your oyster so go get 'em, tiger!

1. Stop Eating Before Bed

It is very important that you don't eat right before you go to bed. Your digestive system runs while you are asleep so if you avoid eating a lot before you sleep your body will feel more rested in the morning.

2. Don't Stay Up Late

If you stayed up too late and wake up feeling terrible the best thing to do is to get some more sleep. There's really no way around this ... except maybe a can of Red Bull or some coffee as a temporary fix! 

How To Wake Up Feeling Fantastic

Source: Red Bull/Amazon

3. Put Your Electronics Away

Keep smartphones, tablets, and computers out of the bedroom if possible. If not, then turn them off. The light they emit can interrupt your sleep even if you think it doesn't. It's also tempting to check your phone in the middle of the night if you get a notification!

4. Set A Sleep Schedule

Be consistent, try to go to bed, and wake up at the same time every day. This will get your body into a regular pattern which will make sleeping much easier.

5. Drink Water

Start your day with a glass of water. Strong drinks like coffee are too much for a sleepy body. This will help you to wake up gently.

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